Pilates Exercises that Help Reduce Work-Related Stress
Work-related stress can be a major problem for many people. It is hard to focus on the work that needs to get done when you are feeling overwhelmed and anxious, and it often leads to burnout or depression. Fortunately, pilates may be able to help reduce the physical manifestations of stress at work. Here are five pilates exercises that will give your mind and body a break from all of the demands placed upon them during the day. With the help of staff fromĀ Mind & Motion Pilates Studio in Los Angeles, we put this quick guide to five exercises you can do daily to help reduce stresss.
Supported pilates sit up
Lie on the mat with your knees bent and feet flat. Place a foam block between your lower back and the floor, supporting you in this position. Your arms should be rested at your sides, palms facing down. Inhale as you lift to bring shoulders off of ground, then exhale slowly while you lower. Repeat as desired.
Pilates roll up
Begin in a kneeling position with your hands on the back of your thighs and fingers facing backwards toward you knees. Inhale as you lift through the spine, pressing down into your palms to help lengthen it further. Exhale as you curl forward from your hips, rounding your spine until your chest is as close to your chin as possible. Keep your abs pulled in and pause for a breath before slowly rolling back up to starting position.
Pelvic curl with leg extension
Lie on your back with both legs extended straight out, feet together. Place hands flat on the floor beside you. Inhale as you curl your pelvis up towards the ceiling, pressing down with your hands to keep them on the ground. Exhale as you extend one leg straight out at a time, keeping hips lifted throughout for stability.
Pilates half roll back
Begin in pilates bridge pose (aka table top). Keep arms long and extended over head while supporting your weight with your hands and feet. Inhale as you lift your hips off the ground, then exhale as you slowly roll back until your shoulders and head are resting on the floor. Keep abs pulled in to protect your spine.
Wall-assisted pilates hamstring curl
Place both of your feet flat against a wall, hip-width apart. Slide your body down the wall until your hamstrings are resting on your heels, then press into your feet to lift your torso back up to the starting position. Keep your hips pressed firmly against the wall throughout.
Can pilates help reduce work-related stress? Pilates has been shown to be an effective way to manage stress and anxiety, and pilates exercises can help you relax in a way that is different from yoga. Try out these pilates exercises to give your mind and body a break from the stress of everyday life!